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SpectroWeb Controls

Mouse Down, Drag, Up to Zoom in

By pressing the mouse button and dragging it across the screen the scale of the plot can be altered. With the release of the mouse button the plot is redrawn using the new scale. This can be used to zoom in on a section of the plot. Data outside the plot is clipped.

Keypress Spacebar

By pressing the Spacebar the plot is rescaled back to the default scale of the data.

Keypress r

By pressing r the plot is repainted. This is useful when scrolling the page as scrolling can effect the plot in odd ways.

Keypress c

This event will popup a window that will display the position of the mouse in a window. Useful to get the position of absorption lines. Keypress c again to remove the popup window.

Keypress m

This event will popup a window that will allow the user to set the plot range by entering the xmin,xmax, ymin and ymax limits. Any field left blank will be ignored. Hitting return in any field will move the cursor to the next field in the list.

Keypress h

This event if it occurs in Any of the popup windows will cause the window to be hidden. This can be used if the popup windows are accidentally left behind after the main window has disappeared.